Explore materiality and architectural innovation through the evolution of a suburban car wash visualised in Virtual Reality.
Every year, the NGV Architecture Commission invites unique architectural responses to activate to activate one of Melbourne’s great civic spaces, the Grollo Equiset Garden at the National Gallery of Victoria. Architectural submissions explore new propositions about architecture and design and demonstrate innovation in material use, fabrication, sustainability and recyclability. The winning submission in 2018 was designed by Melbourne-based M@ STUDIO Architects, titled Haven’t you always wanted…? is a playful reinvention of a suburban car wash in Blackburn. However, visitors could only experience the built structure at the time of the exhibition and were not exposed to the creative process surrounding the design of the de-materialisation of the original car wash that led to the final design of the pavilion.
This VR exhibition deals with the problem of dematerialisation and its effects on the visual appearance of the structure at different times of the day. It uses Virtual Reality technology to provide members of the public with an accessible, immersive, animated simulation of the architectural design and an opportunity to engage with the problem of materiality and architecture.
The original VR exhibition was showcased at the National Gallery of Victoria from December 3rd 2016 – 29th of January 2017 and can now be downloaded here.
Project Team
Deakin team:
Stefan Greuter, Vivian Mitsogianni, Mark Jacques, Dean Boothroyd, Cameron Newnham, Karla Martinez